Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Books delivered today!

I am grateful to have the first printing of the books in house today. They were delivered by a semi truck on my little residential street. I was not expecting that. But I am grateful to have this part of the process behind me. It will be a few days before I have the updates to the website uploaded to begin the ordering process so bear with me on that account. This is obviously a very busy time of year and frankly, adding the launch of the book into the mix has been a bit of a trick. One of the exciting things is the way the ministry is growing. I am finding it very challenging to keep up with things and still take time to rest. I am encouraged by all that I see God doing and know that he is going to direct each step of the way.

I talk often about letting God be in control. The other day a friend of mine said to me "Oh, so you are not in the drivers seat but instead in the trunk of the car."

"No," I replied, "I am hanging off the back bumper just trying to hold on for the ride." That pretty much describes how it feels trying to keep up with God.

Have a great day!

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